
Here’s what our students have to say about us, our classes, and their yoga practice.  Have your own story?  Send it to us, we’d love to hear it.

I began my search for a space to practice yoga after cancelling my membership at a commercial yoga studio.

I was looking for a space that was more homey and authentic, where each student was recognized, where the atmosphere is loving, accepting and a community.

I checked out a few studios but nothing was calling my name, then I found Shree. My first class was with Emi. From the moment I walked in I felt a feeling, this is it, this is where I’m meant to be and I’ve been following that voice returning to Shree, and the feeling got bigger and better ❤

Thank you for the space you created.

The teachers are so wonderful.

I feel like I am receiving more than “poses”.

I leave each class having learnt something about myself. I love how the teachers guide and teach us how to navigate the voices in our brain to bring us back to our breath and body.


I feel so comfortable and welcomed at Shree. I love attending all different classes. I have found a new confidence and grounded feeling in myself just after starting at Shree. The studio’s location is amazing—warm and inviting. The teachers are so knowledgeable and invested in helping each person find/feel their pose to their best ability.

Kelly H.

This has been my first experience with yoga, and I was very unsure. It was suggested that I delve into restorative yoga. Chaya was incredibly helpful and took the time to talk to me and answer all of my questions. I was a little apprehensive before the first class I attended, but proved to be totally unfounded. Every class I’ve been to has been excellent, and I cannot recommend Shree highly enough. The instructors and facility are top notch and I find myself looking forward to every session.

Greg T.

For years I have suffered with varying levels of neck pain.   The pain came and went and I never thought anything of it until this past year when it became so debilitating, all forms of activity I previously enjoyed became impossible.  As with many issues in the body, the neck pain forced my body to compensate in different ways resulting in pain elsewhere as well as a partially torn rotator cuff.  After 3 neck epidurals and 3 cortisone injections in my shoulder, and a dozen rounds of physical therapy all only offering very temporary relief, I decided to explore yoga.  It was yoga or surgery to be honest, and I was not admittedly enthusiastic about either option.  That being said, after a few classes I began to feel relief.  Once a skeptic, I am now a complete believer about the benefits of yoga.  The instructors at Shree are attuned, dynamic, and incredibly professional and comprehensive in conveying the deeper meaning behind the poses practiced in each class, thereby bridging the essential connection between mind and body so essential in resulting in pain relief and healing.

Ellen R.

Yoga has brought new meaning into my life. It inspires, motivates and focuses me. Yoga continually encourages me to be open to seeing things in different ways. It helps me to start trusting myself when making decisions as well as teaching me how to be less attached to difficult issues in my life that I really can’t change.

Michelle Mandelman

I started coming to Shree 6 years ago (wow). It transformed my life in ways that I have never in a million years thought possible. I Usually try to join the Thursday evening class with Valerie. Valerie’s skillful and clear instruction and her soothing, warm, gentle and humorous manner is what keeps me driving the 25 min from my home to the studio every week. I can come in to class feeling so stressed, tired and worn-out and by the time I leave I feel centered, present and lighter.  I am simply incredibly grateful!

Gitty Katz

Great intimate studio with a wide variety of classes. Instructors know every student’s name and help to accommodate personal needs. After dealing with cancer, I was hesitant to join a class but found the environment to be comfortable and open. Chaya helped me begin yoga again and worked with me to find a new mindset. I recommend the Monday night Restorative class with in addition to regular practices.

Amanda M.

I have been going to Shree Yoga for years. Chaya is by far the BEST yoga teacher I have ever practiced with. She is the real thing. It’s not a job to her but a way of life. I highly recommend going there. It Rocks.

Lani Marella-Martin

I so appreciate this Splendid Yoga Studio Space. I am most appreciative of Chaya, all the teachers and all the fellow students with whom I share Shree. As a senior senior, I have attended yoga classes over years. But it is only here that I have truly experienced ‘Shree”, the life-enhancing, physical and spiritual practice that yoga can be. At Shree, we are individually recognized and encouraged by the most superbly trained, sensitive and insightful teachers. In each class, we are inspired by themes of love and wisdom, carried through by teachers who lead with ease and wit. Shree is a community of eager, inspired joyful yogis in training.

Kate Gregg

Since going to the Shree, I have noticed a significant improvement in my flexibility, hip mobility, and core strength, which is great for any athletic activity. In addition, the mindfulness aspects of the practice have been great for helping me ‘get out of my own way’ and approach the sport with more positive focus and thoughtfulness. Chaya and Rachel are fantastic, and Shree Yoga has become an integral part of my overall training. (Rick plays golf).

Rick Naramore

I am convinced that if it were not for Yoga and Chaya I would no longer be mobile. I certainly would not have that wonderful feeling of accomplishment I get when I can make it through a class with those of you who are so fit.

A few years ago as I looked back on my life, which has been wonderfully successful, I made a list of the five most important decisions I had made. Within that list of five decisions was starting and staying with yoga.

Herb Benkel

I feel blessed to have found Chaya as a yoga teacher. Her wisdom and compassion inspire me. Through her guidance, encouragement and support, I have become stronger physically, emotionally and spiritually. I see Yoga as a metaphor for life, focusing, breathing, being aware, being present, facing obstacles and challenges, overcoming fear, accepting limitations, being compassionate with myself and others, and connecting to a greater force.

Read Bea’s story here.

Bea Cronin

Shree is my favorite place to practice yoga (and there’s plenty of choices these days). The setting, the teachers and the community combine to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The practice strengths my body, focuses my mind and lets my heart and spirit soar.

Nancy Seeback

I started taking classes at Shree Yoga Studios in 2005. Initially I went to rehab a severe calf injury that needed stretching. Well, after a very short time not only was my calf better, but my entire body felt really good. And shortly after that I noticed very positive changes in my emotional/psychological well being. Some of this was due to the technically precise and beautifully heart oriented system of Anusara Yoga. The majority of it though was due to Chaya’s teaching and the quality of the teacher’s that she has brought to Shree. Without exception they are incredible teachers and individuals. They are knowledgeable, very well trained, great communicators, caring and compassionate. They exhibit all the qualities associated with the Sanskrit word Shree–life enhancing. Since my beginning at Shree I’ve taken classes in many different studios with many different instructors and I can tell you that it is remarkable to find a group of teachers like this all in one place. So if you have the slightest interest in yoga or want to continue your practice, I urge you to wade into Shree. This beautiful studio with its extraordinary teachers will lovingly help you along

Bill Banks

What I hadn’t anticipated was how yoga would also help me with my meditation practice. The calm, safe, nurturing atmosphere of the studio (both in the actual space and in the atmosphere created by the instructors and fellow practitioners) has helped me to clear my mind and gain insight, and being away from the rush and stress of my day has become something very vital to me. I am learning about myself and getting back in touch with my body.

Melina Yoscary

The vibrations at Shree as you enter is one of serenity, peace and love. It calms the agitated mind and envelopes one in a blanket of inner security.

Raghavan Krishnan