Meditation and Mindfulness Classes
Restorative Yoga and Meditation Classes
You will leave class with a sense of deep relaxation and calm on every level and with a feeling of balance in your mind and body.
Have you been wanting to learn to meditate? Do you want to release stress? Then this approach is for you. It is by far our gentlest class and specifically designed for those who wish to find healing and recovery physically and emotionally, and to learn to release chronic tension and stress. It includes: slow gentle stretching, breathing exercises, and restorative yoga poses in which the body is supported with blankets and bolsters for deep relaxation, and finishes with a period of guided seated meditation. The focus of this class is to create an experience for you of deep relaxation and mindfulness. No prior meditation or yoga experience needed.

Course Dates and Registration
Fees $465 or $450 with cash or check at the studio
$360 for full time student: 18-26 years old: with cash or check only
$360 for seniors 75 – 85 years old: with cash or check only
$0 over 86 years old
February 15 & 16, 2020 $465